Lymphatic Drainage

“I have a severe muscular fatigue condition, with immune deficiency. My lymph glands have been severely inflamed for over a year, and my GP could only offer immune boosters as a solution.

I contacted Bahar as I know that she is a multi-faceted holistic healer. I am aware of the concept of distant healing, but I was still somewhat skeptical that a lymph drainage could be performed this way.

I was amazed at the impact of even just one session. I could feel energy shift across my body during the session even though she was miles away! I spent a few days detoxing afterwards , but definitely felt lighter and better and had more vitality immediately! The swollen glands in my neck disappeared too.

I will be needing a few more sessions for this chronic issue and then I will move on to BodyTalk sessions with her. She is attentive, caring and very professional. I highly recommend her for healing and treatment in a holistic way that addresses the root of the issue and not just the symptoms.”

Soul Healing /inner child healing

“Bahar made me feel at ease and talked me through a visual meditation. The process was calming and connected with my truth on a deep level. A feeling came up that I hadn't addressed before and it helped me understand my current emotional state with people. I was able to release those hidden emotions under the surface or sadness and despair that my inner child was feeling all this time. I thought I had addressed these with another healer but there were aspects that were still there.

Bahar's therapy space is beautiful and tranquil and she talked me through my experiences which came up in the session in a nurturing and professional way.”

Healing testimonial

Received a new testimonial from a client who I gave a BodyTalk treatment to and introduced the water healing I now combine for some clients.

He has had other sessions from me before and said he really enjoyed this upgraded treatment and felt it was signifiantly better than the BodyTalk treatment on its own, and the meniscus tear he had got better faster and is not clicking . He is a BodyTalk practitioner too and felt that the water healing was key alongside the galactic level work I brought in.

Seed nutrition

Received a testimonial from a friend who is now taking the seed nutrition for a few months.

She reports that the swelling on her eyelids that did not go from steroid creams has gone, her sugar cravings have gone , and more energy. She is also doing a lot of other positive things to improve her wellbeing and feels so much more energetic.

-Seeds have 30% more nutrients than the plants.

-Seeds are the powerhouses.

-These seeds are non GMO, beyond organic, and not available in supermarkets.

-They are absorbed through the cell wall into the cells unlike many off the shelf products which are poorly absorbed due to poor gut health in most people.

That is why they work.

If you are interested to know how seed nutrition can help you send me a direct message to arrange a chat.

Just received a BodyTalk testimonial from someone who had a difficult situation with her pets being unwell as well as herself:

“The household dynamic is much better and the dog is less distressed and more resilient.

Colon really cleaned itself out yesterday. I was constipated before that. I really liked your piece of “its safe to let go.””

Soul Healing/Inner child healing

“ I was really tired after the session, I had an early night but sleep was disturbed by crazy but unremembered dreams. Sunday was a ‘half speed’ day and again I had a early night.

Yesterday was much better energy-wise. I felt more positive than I have done in a while. I got a few jobs done in the house that have been hanging around for a while and I stood up to my dad’s bullying text. Today I’m looking around and planning things to make my life comfier and more fun after a long time of feeling stuck .

Thank you , I am feeling more positive and confident about setting boundaries now after struggling with this.”